SAN ANGELO, TX--(SAPD) The San Angelo Police Department has created an easy and convenient way for citizens to report crimes that do not require the presence of an officer.
Over the last five years, demands for police services have steadily increased. In 2017, San Angelo Police Officers responded to an estimated 125,700 calls for service. The resources of the San Angelo Police Department have been stretched to the limit to meet these demands. Effective in January 12, 2018, the San Angelo Police Department will begin offering citizens the ability to make certain incident reports online.
Cities such as Abilene, Lubbock, Austin, Denton, San Marcos, Temple, Waco, and Houston have instituted online reporting. These cities face the same problems we are facing in San Angelo – higher demands for police services, and not enough officers to meet those increased demands.
The benefits of Online Incident Reporting are two-fold. First, it allows citizens the flexibility to make reports of incidents 24 hours a day from any location where they have access to a computer and the internet. Another significant benefit of online reporting is that it keeps officers available to respond rapidly to emergency calls for service. It also allows Officers more time to focus on the problems occurring in our neighborhoods.
All online reports will be reviewed and handled like any other incident report. Once a report has been approved it will be reviewed by the San Angelo Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Division for follow up investigation if needed.
If you do not have a computer with internet access or a smartphone with internet access, you can use the Online Incident Reporting computer in the lobby of Police Headquarters, 401 E. Beauregard, free of charge Monday through Friday during normal business hours.
The San Angleo Police Department encourages citizens to become familiar with the online reporting system and ask for their help in making this a successful endeavor. In the following months the Department will slowly begin making certain offenses mandatory for online reporting.
The online reporting web feature is not a substitute for reporting crimes in progress. In case of emergency, call 911 to report the details of a crime you witness.
Only certain offenses are suitable for Online Incident Reporting. To view a complete list of reportable and non-reportable offenses, or, to file an online incident report visit
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