SAN ANGELO, TX -- The pool of jurors in the John Young trial on Monday began with 78 Tom Green County residents and there were still 78 potential jurors late Tuesday.
Prosecutors and defense attorneys have spent hours questioning the potential jurors about what they’ve seen or read about the case in the media, and if they knew the defendant or several local attorneys or anyone involved in the trial.
Young is charged with forgery, theft and money laundering in the case involving a handwritten will of John Sullivan. In the will, Sullivan leaves his estate to Young, who was his attorney at the time. Young’s codefendant Ray Zapata was convicted of forging the will. He is appealing that conviction.
Prosecuting attorneys finished their questioning of the 78 potential jurors Tuesday morning about 11:30 a.m. then Judge Brock Jones recessed for lunch. Jury selection resumed at 12:30 p.m. with defense attorneys asking their questions.
Both sides asked questions about bias, the punishment range, proof vs. evidence, pretrial publicity, etc. as each side carefully built profiles of each potential juror trying to get the 14 jurors they want. In the end, prosecutors and defense attorneys must agree on 12 jurors and 2 alternates.
Jury selection will continue at 9 a.m. on Wednesday. The trial is expected to last about two weeks.
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