SAN ANGELO, TX -- A flurry of activity at the Tom Green County courthouse today as jury selection begins for the forgery and money laundering trial of John Young gets underway and the manslaughter of Jason Scott Little is postponed until Tuesday.
Friday afternoon District Judge Brad Goodwin delayed the jury trial of Little after defense attorneys at the final pretrial hearing filed a motion to dismiss the charges alleging Little was being denied his Constitutional right to a speedy trial. Little is accused in the drive by shooting at Eva’s place on February 1, 2015 which resulted in the death of Bertha Vasquez who was inside the bar when the shooting occurred.
Little’s attorneys told Judge Goodwin that they received an in-car video from the first San Angelo Police Department Officer to arrive on the scene the night of the shooting on Friday. Prosecutors responded that they only received the video from the SAPD a few days earlier, stating the SAPD had mislabeled the video and couldn’t find it until the D.A.’s office called and requested it.
Down the hall in the courthouse John Young’s jury trial begins Monday. According to court documents, jury selection begins at 9 a.m. Monday.
Young is charged with forgery, theft and money laundering in connection with the estate of John Sullivan who died in 2014. Young’s co-defendant, Ray Zapata, was found guilty of forging Sullivan’s will and sentenced to six months in jail, five years probation and $1.8 million in restitution.
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