Blanket Man Indicted for Holding Mother Hostage


BROWN COUNTY, TX – After holding his mother hostage and having a four-hour standoff with police in August of 2016, Christopher David Boykin, 25, was indicted for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Aggravated Kidnapping and Aggravated Assault Against Public Servant with Deadly Weapon.

According to a local news source, Boykin was arrested after he released his mother and police used teargas to subdue him. No one was hurt during the standoff, but the next-door neighbor was evacuated to ensure safety.

Between 15 to 20 officers had surrounded the home and DPS was in charge of the negotiations with the suspect. After authorities used tear gas, they sent in a robot to ensure Boykin was conscious. They then proceeded to arrest him.

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