SAN ANGELO, TEXAS – The year 2016 has come to a close and we're now in the second week of the new year. However, 2016 was a busy year for a few San Angelo residents and local law enforcement. The residents mentioned are those who repeatedly have run-ins with local police.
Below is a list of last year’s top five criminal repeat offenders in San Angelo. Public Intoxication topped the list with a total of 64 incidents, and Criminal Trespassing and Failure To Appear charges followed.
James Royce Jordan

Jordan has a total of 68 bookings and 134 offenses since 2011. In the year 2016, he had a total of 53 offenses.
16 Public Intoxication
13 CPF
9 FTAs
6 Criminal Trespass
3 Failure to Appear in Court
Jordan’s longest served time was February 26 – April 22, a total of 56 days, for the crimes of Criminal Trespass, COMMx6, and Failure to Appear. Jordan’s longest time out of jail was 31 days, between August 8 and September 25. Jordan’s shortest time between bookings was within 24 hours.
Rodney Lee Villafranco

Villafranco has a total of 54 bookings and a total of 116 offenses since 2003. Out of those 116, 53 occurred in 2016.
14 Public Intoxication
9 Criminal Trespass
6 Resist Arrest
5 Possession of Marijuana
5 Failure to Appear
2 Theft Class C under $50
1 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
1 Walking with Flow of Traffic
1 Assault Causing Bodily Harm
Villafranco's longest served time was between April 19 and May 6, a total of 61 days, for the crimes of Criminal Trespass, Resisting Arrest/Transp. and Theft Class C under $50. Villafranco’s longest time out of jail was 76 days, and his shortest time between bookings was less than 24 hours. Villafranco is currently serving time since his December 3rd arrest for Criminal Trespass, Possession of Marijuana, Resisting Arrest/Transp., Failure to Appear in Court, as well as Public Intoxication.
Thomas Scottie Crocker

Crocker has a total of 79 bookings and over 300 offenses since 1994. Of those 300+ offenses, 50 happened in 2016.
18 Public Intoxication
7 Failure to Appear
6 Criminal Trespass
4 Failure to Appear in Court
2 Littering
1 Theft Class C
Crocker’s longest time behind bars was 70 days (July 29 – October 7) for the crimes of three counts of Criminal Trespass and 5 counts of COMM. Ironically, Crocker was arrested the following day for public intoxication, but was released within 24 hours. Crocker’s record number of days out of jail was a whopping 45 days.
Edward Ray Parrish Jr.

Parrish has a total of 123 bookings since 1997, for more than 300 criminal offenses. Of those 300+ offenses, Parrish served time for 23 of those in 2016.
13 Public Intoxication
3 Failure to Appear
In 2016, Parrish only spent 24 hours or less for 16 out of 23 total criminal offenses. His longest time spent behind bars was three days.
Robert Bonner Jr.

Bonner has a total of 14 bookings and 22 criminal offenses since February of 2015. In 2016, Bonner served time for 19 offenses.
11 Criminal Trespass
3 Public Intoxication
1 Failure to Appear in Court
In September of 2016, Bonner served 60 days in jails for the crimes of four counts of Criminal Trespassing, and four counts of CPF. Bonner’s longest time out of jail was 42 days, and his shortest time between bookings was 48 hours.
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