Woman Flees Police During Traffic Stop Associated with Suspicious Check at Wells Fargo Bank


SAN ANGELO, TX - This morning after 11 a.m., San Angelo Police stopped and detained a driver associated with suspicious activity at a local bank in the 1000 block of Tarver St. A woman who was in the vehicle with the male subject fled police despite an officer's attempt to get her to stop and return to the vehicle.

SAPD arrest man associated with forgery case. (LIVE! Photo/Maura Ballard)

Detective Russell with SAPD said patrol officers were investigating suspicious activity with a check this morning at Wells Fargo Bank in downtown San Angelo. 

"Patrol started investigating and went out looking for the vehicle (A Dodge Caravan) and the individual who attempted to pass the check," explained Detective Russell.

The officers located the vehicle on Tarver and pulled over the driver. The male subject got out of the vehicle, and a female also got out. However, as the man gave his information to an officer at the scene, the woman started to leave. The officer asked the woman to stop. She looked at the officer, but continued to evade police.

"At this point, we're investigating and trying to put all the pieces together," said Russell. 

Currently, SAPD officers are still searching for the woman. Russell said officers are detaining the male suspect at this time, and once the woman is found and identified, she will be arrested for evading the officers.


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