Central High Teacher's Aide Pleas Guilty to Improper Relationship With Student


A former Central High School teacher’s aide, Monica L. Way, 43, pled guilty to having an improper relationship between educator and student Tuesday morning, Mar. 22.

She was sentenced to five years community supervision and fined $2,500. The sentence is deferred adjudication, meaning that if she serves her probated sentence, after five years there will be no record of the offense.

Originally, Way was arrested Nov. 25, 2015 for an improper relationship with a student at Central High School.

According to our news report at the time, the mother of an 18-year-old male student spoke with administrators about her concern of a possible relationship between Way and her son. 

"The (victim’s) mother became concerned after reading text message conversations between Way and her son on her son's cell phone," Solsbery stated in Nov 2015.

Way was terminated from employment by the San Angelo ISD at the time of her arrest last year.

According to the Texas Penal Code 21.12: Improper relationship between educator and student, if an educator engages in sexual contact, sexual intercourse, or deviates sexual intercourse with a person who is enrolled in a public or private primary or secondary school at which the employee works, the individual will be charged with a 3rd degree felony.

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Can people that do this kind of thing not see how wrong it is. Did she really think this kid wouldn't go bragging to his buddies about it? I do hope she learned her lesson, Because it just cost her 5 years of her life.

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