Another Racing Fiasco in San Angelo


Racing seems to be a more popular past time in San Angelo recently. Earlier this month, two teenagers were arrested after feeling the need for speed; and yesterday, two adults took a trip to the Tom Green County Jail for attempting the same thing.

Sgt. Cade Solsbery, public information officer with the San Angelo Police Department, said at approximately 9:27 p.m. Tuesday night, an SAPD officer in the 2700 block of West Avenue N, said he noticed two vehicles, a white Dodge Durango and a maroon Chevy Tahoe, lined up side by side. The two drivers, Ryan M. Hansjosten, 34, and Damacio I. Torres, 27, then accelerated their vehicles at a high rate of speed in an attempt to outrace each other.

As a result of their actions, Hansjosten and Torres were both arrested and transported to TGCJ.

Racing in the city, Solsbery said, is considered a Class B misdemeanor and can carry a fine not to exceed $2,000 and/or a sentence of 180 days in jail.

Overall, there were 26 people booked into the TGCJ, and out of those arrests, 13 faced new complaints. Here is the breakdown of offenses:

  • Display Fictitious Motor Vehicle Registration: 1
  • Driving while License Invoked/Invalid/Suspended: 3
  • Public Intoxication: 2
  • US Marshal Hold: 4
  • DWI: 2

There were also a total of 14 people arrested for outstanding warrants.

Jail Bookings Jan. 20

Jail Releases Jan. 20

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I'm sure they were really moving along in that Tahoe and Durango. All they needed was an Explorer to challenge and it would have been a street race like no others.

If you're gonna do something stupid like a street race, at least use fast vehicles to make it interesting.

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