Abilene Police Investigate an Infant Homicide


Abilene police are investigating an infant homicide after employees of Hendrick Hospital reported that an 18-year-old female arrived at the hospital for treatment for severe bleeding.

Hospital staff determined that the bleeding was due to the woman having just given birth to what they said was a full-term baby within the past few hours, Abilene police reported in a statement. The female did not arrive at the hospital with a baby and the hospital called Abilene police for assistance.

Police detectives responded to the 400 block of S. 25th St. based upon information gathered during the investigation. There, detectives discovered tissue remains inside the sewer lines of the residence. Later, a body of an infant with visible signs of trauma to the body was discovered hidden inside the residence.

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Above: APD Detectives questioning several suspects in infant homicide in the 400 block of S. 25th St. in Abilene. (APD via Twitter)

Police have declared the case a homicide and will continue to question several suspects.

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