SAPD Detectives Identify and Arrest Party Barn Robbery Suspect Thanks to Tip


Today, thanks to an anonymous Crime Stoppers tip, San Angelo Police Department Detective Lynne Dye, along with members of the Special Operations Section (SOS) and Narcotics Detectives, located and arrested a 25-year-old San Angelo man for the Aggravated Robbery that occurred at the Party Barn Liquor Store Wednesday evening, said Tracy Gonzalez, public information officer for SAPD.

The suspect, Cameron Filipowski, was identified as a possible suspect who robbed two Party Barn employees at knifepoint around 9 p.m. on Sept. 9. Detective Dye and the other detectives located Filipowski at a residence in the 200 block of South Fillmore. Investigators obtained consent to enter the residence and subsequently located the clothing and weapon used in the robbery, Gonzalez said.

Following an interview, Filipowski was arrested for Aggravated Robbery and transported to the Tom Green County Jail without incident.

“This is another great example of our citizens playing a vital role in crime solving by sending anonymous tips that facilitate the swift apprehension of suspect who commit these violent crimes,” Gonzalez said.

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