Sheriff Investigates a Mysterious Death Near Grape Creek


A man was found dead in his home in the 500 block of Cactus Lane towards Grape Creek, off Grape Creek Road, just after 2 p.m. today. Sheriff David Jones said that the cause and circumstances of the man’s death would determine if the Sheriff’s Department would pursue a homicide investigation.

Jones said a family member discovered the body. Jones is ordering a full autopsy on the body, and hopes to have the results quickly. Tom Green County Sheriff’s Detectives and Crime Scene Investigators have cordoned off the house and for a while have blocked the street. Sgt. Ron Sanders is the lead investigator, Jones said.

“An autopsy is scheduled to determine the cause of the death, and the results will determine if the death was the result of a criminal act,” Jones stressed.

The Sheriff did not release a name of the deceased.

The home is owned by Brian Lee Foster according to the Tom Green County Appraisal District. However, neighbors at the scene suggested that the house may be a rental property.

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