Man Jailed for Indecent Exposure Thursday


Seventeen men and five women were booked into the county jail on Thursday, many of whom were jailed on warrants or committments from past offenses. 

One man, 39-year-old Calvin Franklin, of Abilene, was picked up by officers of the San Angelo Police Department for indecent exposure and assault by contact. Franklin was booked into the county jail at just before 2 p.m., and is behing held in lieu of a $500 surety bond for the indecent exposure and a $350 surety bond for the assault. 

Thee more individuals were booked on theft charges, one of which had two counts. There were three charges of manufacture/delivery on Thursday's report, two marijuana posession charges, one aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, one evading arrest charge and one assault. 

Twenty-two inmates were released from jail on Thursday.

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So. He peed on a tree, maybe touched an "officer". This is the case 90% of the time. What BS. Sober the man up and send him home.

Also, why single this story out? Why is it even news worthy?

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