Central High School Vandal Encourages 'Peace' on Campus


A vandal with a strangely positive message tagged Central High School with a colorful blue and orange mural bearing the word "peace" sometime Thursday night or early Friday morning. 

San Angelo Police were dispatched to the campus at just before 1:00 a.m. for reports of graffiti on one of the campuse's buildings. By 8:00 a.m., maintenance crews were already working to blast off the graffiti, which was thoughtfully painted in the school's colors.

Both the SAISD and SAPD returned a comment that the case is still under investigation and that no further information on the incident is available at this time. 

The penalty for graffiti is generally based upon the cost of the damage in the state of Texas, however as soon as one begins vandalizing a school the charge automatically becomes a state jail felony punishable by 180 days to two years in a state jail and/or a fine not to exceed $10,000.


As pointed out by a reader in the comments, this appears to be a goodbye message. The writer suffers from bad eyesight and couldn't make out "Class of 2014" written on the exclamation mark, and assumed "Time 2 Shine" was an ultra-cool tag name. 

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Dicey, Fri, 05/23/2014 - 14:12
I strongly doubt this vandal was encouraging peace. If you look at the graffiti it says "finally...PEACE...Class of 2014...Time 2 Shine". I would place my money on a Senior being behind this nonsense.
Most likely the people who did this have never worked a day in their lives, but somehow, someone will pull some money out of thin air and clean up after them. In California, scumbag vandals like these began scrawling their garbage on overpasses while suspending themselves over the edge using their belts. Every now and again one of these bottom feeder's belts would snap, saving the state a bit of money while purging the area of an irrelevant human being. While we weren't as lucky to have such a scenario in this case, it'd probably send a great message to have the offender and his mother ("auntie", "mee-maw" or whoever financially sustains this loser) out there scrubbing walls and fences.

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