Wednesday's High Speed Chase Driver Remains At-Large, Two Passengers Arrested


At 11:46 p.m. Wednesday night, San Angelo Police Officer Pruitt saw a 1990s era white Ford F-150 single cab pickup disregard a stop sign at the intersection of U.S. 87 and Humble Rd.

Pruitt turned on his lights and siren but the driver of the F-150 did not stop. Instead, the F-150 accelerated, heading south until reaching the Resort on Riverside apartments at the 3300 block of N. Bryant Ave.

The truck drove at what witnesses described as high speed into the apartment complex parking area and came to a screeching stop.

SAPD said that three suspects fled the truck on foot with Pruitt and backup officers not far behind.

Two passengers in the truck were quickly apprehended, but the driver is still at-large, police said.

Police identified the first passenger as 28-year-old Thomas Nuncio. Police found 14 grams of meth, and illegal knife, and a 9mm handgun upon searching his person during the arrest. A records check revealed that Nuncio was also a convicted felon, making it illegal for him to possess a handgun.

Police identified the second passenger as 26-year-old Justin Zamora. Zomora had an outstanding parole warrant for his arrest.

Nuncio was arrested and charged with Unlawful Possession of a Firearm by a Felon, Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon, Possession of CS PG1 4g <200g, Evading Arrest or Detention on Foot, and Possession  of Narcotic Paraphernalia.

Zamora was arrested and charged with Evading Arrest or Detention of foot with previous convictions in addition to his a Parole Warrant.

Detective Hethcock and Detective Moore are leading the investigation and seeking the at-large driver.

This case was originally reported as it happened here.

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