2 Chryslers Collide in the Chicken District


SAN ANGELO, TX — Two Chryslers collided on Knickerbocker Road at University Avenue at 12:15 p.m. Thursday. The damage appeared moderate. One block southwest on Knickerbocker are the chicken restaurants Cane's and Chick-fil-A, hence this part of town is often referred to as "The Chicken District." Taco Bell and Rosa's, on opposite corners, also sell a high volume of chicken.

Police did not speak to us, but from our observation, it appeared that the black Chrysler 300 was turning left onto University Avenue when the blue Chrysler minivan collided with it. One of the vehicles did not have the right-of-way.

An ambulance was at the scene. At one point, a police officer got into the ambulance, perhaps to talk to one of the drivers. Shortly thereafter, the ambulance departed without lights or sirens.

The roads were wet and the skies were cloudy. The speed limit on Knickerbocker Road is 45 mph.

2 Chryslers Collide in the Chicken District

2 Chryslers Collide in the Chicken District

2 Chryslers Collide in the Chicken District

2 Chryslers Collide in the Chicken District

2 Chryslers Collide in the Chicken District

2 Chryslers Collide in the Chicken District

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