Possible Hit-and-Run Sends At Least One to Hospital


SAN ANGELO, TX — A crash this afternoon at the intersection of South Bryant Boulevard and West Avenue L sent at least one person to the hospital. One white Chevy Silverado had serious front-end damage, but no other vehicle was present.

According to police communications, the other vehicle involved left the scene.


Our reporter on the scene observed one individual being loaded into an ambulance. Check out the crash below:

Additionally, a child was seen wearing a neck brace, and another ambulance arrived shortly after. Our reporter observed paramedics checking out the individuals involved before taking one individual to Shannon Medical Center. The extent of the injuries and the total number of individuals involved remain unclear. 

As of 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, San Angelo Police had one southbound lane on S. Bryant Blvd. closed near the intersection at Avenue L.

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CGM5, Tue, 06/18/2024 - 19:38

Someone left the scene of an accident, shocker! If the system would make the penalty for hit and run severe enough then these lowlifes might be afraid to try it.

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