F-250 Pulls a Fast One on a Hapless 4-Runner


SAN ANGELO, TX — Who may have been avid downtown library user caused a big bang in front of the Stephens Downtown Library Monday afternoon. Police said the driver of an F-250 turned in front of oncoming traffic causing a Toyota 4-Runner to collide with it.

Six people were crammed into the 4-Runner and two of them were rushed to the hospital.

The F-250 was eastbound on W Beauregard and the 4-Runner was eastbound. Police said when the F-250 driver attempted to turn into a parking spot on the south side of the roadway, he failed to yield the right-of-way to the Toyota.

Beauregard was blocked when the crash happened at about 5:45 p.m.

Toyota destroyed in front of library

Toyota destroyed in front of library

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