WATCH:Deja Vu All Over Again...Another Car Crashes Through CATO Store


San Angelo, TX – On Saturday afternoon a driver of a silver PT Cruiser crashed into the CATO Store located at 3333 Sherwood Way just as one did on Christmas Eve last year.

In a statement by Officer Francis of the San Angelo Police Department, the driver's foot came off the brake of the PT Cruiser and drove through the doors of CATO.

Witnesses stated that when they looked up they saw the woman go right through the doors. They also said they heard tires peeling out.

As of now, it's is unknown if it was a medical issue and the driver was treated at the scene by EMS.

In the first crash last year, the driver of a CX-5 pulled up to a parking spot and believed the car was in park. The driver then accidentally hit the gas and drove through the storefront.


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