WATCH: Another Oversized Load Causes Damage in San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX -- Another oversized load has caused damage at a major San Angelo intersection during a crash Wednesday afternoon. 

The driver was attempting to navigate the intersection of 7th St. and N. Bryant when the load, described as a large tank of some kind, struck the overhead railroad crossing warning light detaching it from the pole. 

Watch the video: 

No one was injured in the crash. 

At least two other oversized loads have caused damage to highway infrastructure in San Angelo this year.  


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Guess the bad luck in this whole deal is that it must have been too dang hot for a few of those street bums to be begging for money at that intersection when that chunk of steel fell down where they stand on the sidewalk............

Why doesn't the city ban over-sized loads in the city? Make them take the backroads.

Who would we count on to pepper our streets with potholes? It'd be like tearing down or renovating all these downtown vacant storefronts -- it'd ruin the city's ambience.

It just wouldn't be San Angelo if you couldn't knock out your car's alignment while admiring the plywood patchwork and broken windows.

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