Driver Distracted by Chicken Express Disregards Red Light


SAN ANGELO, TX — A three-vehicle accident this evening, caused lanes on both N. Bryant and W. 29th Street to shut down. 

According to police officer Asebedo, around 6 p.m., a driver of a white Mitsubishi Outlander got distracted by "something going on in the parking lot of Chicken Express," causing her to disregard a red light in the 2900 block of N. Bryant and collide with a silver Kia. The Kia then spun out of control and hit an oncoming Mitsubishi Diamante. 

The Kia had two occupants at the time of the crash. The passenger was transported to a nearby hospital for unknown injuries. The driver of the Outlander also went to the Hospital, but via private vehicle. 

The driver of the Mitsubishi Outlander was given a citation for Disregarding a Red Light. 


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I have to admit... I had to chuckel at the caption on this story..... Driver Distracted by Chicken Express!!! What happen? They had a sudden craving for some chicken... HeHe

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