Biker Down on Main and Harris


SAN ANGELO, TX — A motorcyclist was rushed to Shannon Medical Center with incapacitating injuries at approximately 2:30 p.m. The motorcyclist was hurt in a two-vehicle crash at the intersection of E. Harris Ave. and N. Main St.

According to San Angelo Police Department Traffic Investigator Brian Bylsma, a driver of a 2012 Honda Civic was southbound on Main attempting to turn left onto E. Harris. At the same time, another vehicle was facing northbound attempting to turn west on E. Harris.

The northbound vehicle waiting to turn left obscured the Civic driver’s view of the northbound motorcycle in the outside lane. When the Civic driver turned, the motorcycle operator didn’t have time to avoid colliding with the Civic. The motorcyclist hit the rear, right quarter panel of the Civic.

The motorcyclist appeared to have a broken arm and road rash. The driver of the Honda Civic was cited for failure to yield the right-of-way when making a left turn.

Bylsma said he saw no evidence of the motorcyclist wearing a helmet.

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And again, if I was a Judge, here is yet another San Angelo driver that I would hand down a 25 year sentence for driving with their H.U.A. and not watching for motorcyclists....... If they can't be alert, attentive and drive with caution, I'd take them off the road for a long, long time just to keep others safe.
And, I just heard on the KLST news that the driver of this car was ANOTHER elderly driver.... When will the State of Texas mandate that on a persons 70th birthday, their driving privileges will be revoke permanently without any consideration.......

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