Minor Injured in Residential Motor Vehicle Accident


SAN ANGELO, TEXAS -- Shortly after 8 p.m. this evening, San Angelo Police department officers responded to a motor vehicle accident involving a minor. 

A dark blue Jeep was traveling on E 17th Street early this evening, when a "child ran out onto the roadway" near the crossing of E 17th and Briant Street, San Angelo police officer Kelly Lajoie stated. The driver told police that she lives on the street and knows that the neighborhood children frequently run into the road, so she was already driving at a slower rate of speed. Despite the drivers slow speed, she was not able to avoid the young female. 

The parents have taken the minor to a nearby hospital for non-incapacitating injuries. 

As for citations, Officer Lajoie said  "we'll do an accident report and go from there." 

"We are very thankful for it not being as serious" added Officer Lajoie. 


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