Newly Purchased Vehicle Destroyed by Flames at Appletree Apartments


SAN ANGELO, TX - This afternoon, a recently purchased vehicle went up in flames at the Apple Tree Apartments, 607 Parsons Street.

Vehicle fire at Appletree Apartments (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)

At around 2 p.m., the owner of the vehicle left, and not long after that, the fire started. Two San Angelo Police officers arrived on scene before the fire department, and one of them grabbed a small fire extinguisher out of his squad car and attempted to put out the fire, but he was unable to smother the flames. Luckily, San Angelo firefighters showed up and finished the job.

Vehicle fire at Appletree Apartments (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)

The owner of the vehicle showed up about 30 minutes after the fire had been put out, and stated he just purchased the vehicle over the weekend. He also said had taken the battery out of the car before leaving the apartment complex.       

Vehicle fire at Appletree Apartments (LIVE! Photo/Megan Holmquest)

As for how the fire started, Fire Inspector Kimberly Ingram said the signs appear to be electrical, but there was no battery, so further investigation is underway.

"Right now, it's an undetermined fire because I just don't have enough information to make a decision," she noted.

The fire inspector, however, mentioned that people need to remember to be conscientious of what they're leaving in their vehicles, including children, with the heat underway. It doesn't take long for fires to catch and destroy a vehicle as seen in this case.

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Listed By: Doctor Ding-bat

So in other words, somebody just bought this car from one of those sleazy, rip off, tote the note car lots, only $1000 down with no credit check and $149.99 every week for 48 months and then found out it was a piece of crap after getting it home. Tried to get their money back and no go so now it mysteriously goes up in flames.........

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