Midland Police Investigate Bus/Train Crash


MIDLAND, TX- The Midland Police Department (MPD) is on the scene of a bus-train crash. A press conference recorded live by NewsWest 9 revealed some details about the incident that occurred on Loop 250 and Highway 80.

The Midland Police received a call around 1:19 p.m. for the wreck. The spokeswoman of the conference stated, “The driver of a TRACS public transportation vehicle had struck a stationary train. When we came out to the scene, we found that the driver apparently had some kind of medical episode.”

First responders provided aid on scene, then transferred the driver to the hospital. The spokeswoman explained that they are not aware of the driver’s condition as of now; she did note that the condition was life threatening before the driver was transported to the hospital.

Along with the driver, there were two passengers in the bus. The spokeswoman explained that they believe the passengers only suffered minor injuries.

The spokeswoman believes there weren’t any passengers on the train, but they did notify Union Pacific to let them know what had happened.

Identities of the driver and passengers have not been released yet.

Through investigation of the scene, the spokeswoman explained that the bus appears to have left the roadway long before colliding with the train.

“At this point in time, it does not look like the bus was going at a high speed,” added the spokeswoman.

MPD traffic unit is heading the investigation and taking a look at everything that happened. DPS is also helping out at the scene.

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