56-Year-Old Wall Man Suffers Injury in Morning Tractor Accident


Just after 10 a.m. today, a call came in for a tractor accident in Wall.

A man, possibly in his 60s, had a tractor run over the lower half of his body.

Currently, medics and rescue are at the scene.

Emergency personnel respond to a tractor accident in Wall. (LIVE! Photo/Cameron Niblock)

Once more details are received, we will provide an update.

Update 12:53 p.m.

Lt. Christina Lopez, public information officer for the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office, said emergency responders were dispatched to the 6700 block of Susan Peak for a tractor accident.

It was a farm tractor," said Lopez.

Emergency personnel respond to a tractor accident in Wall. (LIVE! Photo/Cameron Niblock)

The 56-year-old man who was driving the tractor stopped it. As he stepped out of it, the tractor started to move. He was not sure if he hit the gear or how it engaged.

"It ran over him," said Lopez. "SAFD picked [the man] up via ambulance."

At this time, Lopez is not sure of the man's condition, but his injuries include a possible broken leg and possible chest injuries.

"I don't know his current condition. I just know the tractor ran over him," Lopez reiterated.

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rpenn, Wed, 07/20/2016 - 11:55

Can some one tell me why the public is locked out of the city park past Spring Creek RV park. We used to enjoy going in there to picnic and watch the boats on the lake. I understood the parks belong to the citizens of San Angelo.

Why was the name not released on this person..yall release names on every outher wreck or injury......Must be a wall hot shot an we dont wanna hurt his little feelers

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