A Woman and Two Kids Transported to Shannon After Hit-And-Run Crash


Three people went to Shannon hospital tonight after an unknown vehicle crashed into their black Honda on West Avenue N. and S. Bryant.

Three people went to Shannon hospital after an unknown vehicle crashed into their black Honda on West Avenue N. and S. Bryant.

At approximately 10:25 p.m., Officer Herrington, with the San Angelo Police Department, said units were dispatched to a hit-and-run crash at the intersection in the stated area. Upon arrival, officers found a black Honda with three occupants, a 46-year-old female driver, a 16-year-old passenger, and a 10-year-old backseat passenger.

Hit-and-run crash on Avenue N and Bryant Blvd. (LIVE! Photo/Stephanie Lindgren)

“All three sustained injuries--non-life-threatening--at this time,” Herrington said. “All three are being transported to Shannon for further treatment.”

Hit-and-run crash on Avenue N and Bryant Blvd. (LIVE! Photo/Stephanie Lindgren)

Herrington said officers are still looking for the vehicle, and the crash remains under investigation.

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