Unlicensed Ram Driver Smashes Another Ram on Beauregard


An unlicensed driver of a white Ram 1500 attempted to cross W. Beauregard Ave. without yielding and caused a collision with a gray Ram 2500 .

According to the San Angelo police, the white Ram driver pulled out and in front of the eastbound gray Ram as he attempted to cross W. Beauregard Ave. at S. Campus St. The white Ram driver was cited for Failure to Yield the Right-of-Way from a stop sign and for driving without a valid driver’s license.

While receiving his citation, the white Ram driver was treated by EMS and released at the scene. The crash happened just after 11:30 a.m. at W. Beauregard and S. Campus.

The unlicensed driver was driving in a truck with commercial markings for a company called “Rise Broadband”. When we called the toll free number, they informed us that they are a wireless Internet provider.

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