Police Investigate Mystery Crash Involving F-250 in San Angelo's Southland Neighborhood


Police are investigating an abandoned crashed truck just off Valleyview and College Hills Blvd. The truck appears to have been the casualty of last night’s revelry, as evidence near the crash scene indicates.

[[{"fid":"16517","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"Evidence. ","title":"Evidence. ","height":"1224","width":"1632","class":"media-element file-preview"}}]]
Above: Found near the crash scene. But don't draw conclusions yet. The F-250 occupants could have been returning from a Gospel revival at a local church and the bottle was planted here to suggest otherwise. (LIVE! Photo)

So far, the investigation is not complete. Should police find anything interesting, other than someone crashed last night, walked away, and are soon to be reunited with their dented two-tone Ford F-250 FX-4, we’ll let you know.

[[{"fid":"16518","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"Curious passers-by have reported the scene of the mystery F-150 crash in Southland. (LIVE! Photo)","title":"Curious passers-by have reported the scene of the mystery F-150 crash in Southland. (LIVE! Photo)","height":"1224","width":"1632","class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]
Above: Curious passers-by have reported the scene of the mystery F-250 crash in Southland. (LIVE! Photo)


A reader pointed out that the words "Super Duty" are on the tailgate indicating that this is an F-250, not an F-150 as originally reported. I regret the error and have updated the article to indicate the correct truck model. -jh

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Come on man,PD knows who it belongs to.Another example of money talks and bullshit walks

What?!? San Angelo Live misconstrued evidence, printed erroneous details, and hastily published a salacious story before gaining accurate information in an effort to beat other reputable news sources?!? I am shocked!!! Just a suggestion for the future: how about you leave the original story posted and then make your corrections as your "journalists" spend the time to investigate the facts? Then we can all see what exactly how your "short stories" take on a life of their own.

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