Suburban Full of Kids in Rollover Crash on U.S. 87 North


A Chevrolet Suburban was in a rollover crash in the 4100 block of U.S. 87 north in front of the Solitaire Homes mobile home dealership. Children were involved. Our count is three or four children, ages ranging from toddler and tweens.

Three ambulances are on scene treating victims.

Traffic is being diverted onto other streets to avoid the area.

When more information is available, we will update this story.

Update 9:30 p.m.

We are confirming that four children are involved. It does not appear to involve any other vehicles. The compact sedan in the photos is the vehicle of a good citizen who stopped to render aid.

Update 10:30 p.m. (Final)

The black 2004 Chevrolet Suburban was southbound on U.S. 87 (N. Bryant) in the inside lane when the driver ran a little off the side of the road, towards the median. The driver over-corrected twice, sending the Suburban into a sideways-skid, San Angelo Police Department Traffic Investigator Ed Hunger said.

The Suburban made it to the middle of the median and flipped over coming to a rest upside down in the opposite lanes of traffic.

Hunger said there were seven people in the vehicle, including one adult and six children, ranging in ages between an infant and 15-years-old.

No one suffered serious injuries, but an unknown number were rushed to San Angelo Community Medical Center for treatment.

Hunger confirmed that only one vehicle was involved in the crash.

U.S. 87 will be cleared by 11 p.m. Hunger said.

The 911 call was received by dispatch at 8:56 p.m.

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