San Angelo Police Officer Injured While Responding to Call


A San Angelo police officer responding to an “unknown problem” was struck by a motor vehicle on Westwood Drive early Sunday morning.

According to police logs, police dispatch sent the officer to the 200 block of Westwood Dr., just north of Sherwood Way at 5:56 a.m. Shortly after the officer’s arrival, an “officer down” radio call was heard.

Police confirm that the officer, on foot, was struck by a car and sustained minor injuries. Because the investigation is ongoing, police would not confirm if the incident was a hit-and-run. Whether or not the driver of the car hit the officer intentionally will determine the charges. Intentionally hitting the officer could result in aggravated assault charges.

Sgt. Williams, the shift supervisor, is relieved that the officer sustained only minor injuries and was checking on his officer’s condition at Community Medical Center early this morning.

More information on this incident will be released Monday, Williams said.


Correction: This article originally stated that the injured officer was taken to Shannon Medical Center. Police later said he was taken to Community. The story was updated to reflect this.

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