Kevin Sherrill Returns Hard-Nosed Football To Sonora

SONORA, TX -- The Kevin Sherrill era in Sonora is officially underway and a new culture paired with a hard-nosed scheme is making a return to Bronco Nation. 

Sherrill becomes the 4th head coach to take the helm in Sonora since 2014 and brings a Slot-T run-heavy offensive scheme with him. 

It's a change for Bronco Nation that's had recent success running an air raid spread offense since 2015, but with 10 total starters returning from the 2018 squad the shift to the new scheme has been influenced by what gives the Broncos the best opportunity to win. 

Sherill and the Broncos talk the transition from the spread offense to the slot-t, how Sonora's blue-collar culture gives the team an edge with the new offense along wit the intensity brought to the table by new head coach Kevin Sherrill.  

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