The Only Tornado Damage Report is from an Old Cemetery East of Ballinger


BALLINGER, TX — The tornado that touched down Thursday evening east of Ballinger caused some damage but not much. Pictures have emerged of several damaged areas including a cemetery.

Witnesses from around Ballinger have provided photos of some of the damage. The most close up portrayal of the carnage comes from the Latin-American Cemetery located about 1,000 feet south of US 67 and 1.5 miles east of the edge of Ballinger’s city limits along County Road 120. There, trees and headstones were uprooted.

Damage to a cemetery from a Facebook screenshot and confirmed by Jason Gore.

Damage to a cemetery from a Facebook screenshot and confirmed by Jason Gore.

Elsewhere, in addition to the light damage, we were sent photos of softball sized hail that fell east of Ballinger yesterday.

Kaylee Scott sent these photos of hail from Thursday ight on Elm Street in Ballinger.

Kaylee Scott sent these photos of hail from Thursday ight on Elm Street in Ballinger.

The line of thunderstorms with maximum tops of 65,000 feet developed quickly Thursday evening and passed over Ballinger just before 6 p.m. The rotating of the winds did not spin off a tornado until after passing over the city. At the same time, a second like of fierce storms moved east/north eastward over Lake O. H. Ivie. We did not receive reports of tornados touching down in the second line of storms south of the Ballinger storm line.

The tornado that touched down 3 miles east/southeast of Ballinger, Texas on May 2, 2024 at 1800 hours. (Tanner Tumlinson)

The tornado that touched down 3 miles east/southeast of Ballinger, Texas on May 2, 2024 at 1800 hours. (Tanner Tumlinson)

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