SAN ANGELO – Tom Green County Commissioners Tuesday unanimously voted to reduce the speed limit on three heavily traveled County Roads during their regular meeting.
The Court held a public hearing on the reduction in the speed limit on Hobbs Rd., Jameson Rd, and Fairview School Rd. There was no public comment during the meeting.
The agenda for the regular meeting called for the court to recess the open session and convene a public hearing where the court would "Convene a public hearing to discuss lowering the speed limit on the following county roads; Fairview School Road, located in Pct. 2 of Tom Green County from 45 mph to 30 mph; Jameson Road, located in Pct. 4 of Tom Green County from 60 mph to 50 mph reducing to 40 mph at the Hobbs intersection east all the way to US 67; and Hobbs Road, located in Pct. 4 of Tom Green County from 60 mph to 40 mph."
Following the public hearing, the court reconvened in open session and voted unanimously to reduce the speed limits as presented.
Pct. 4 Commissioner Shawn Nanny said the reduction in speed limit was necessitated by heavy oilfield truck traffic on Jameson and Hobbs roads. Pct. 2 Commissioner Sammy Farmer said the reduction was necessary on Fairview School Rd. because drivers speed through the area by the school.
In other business, the Commissioners Court approved changes to Tom Green County Park rules to eliminate the deposit fee for building rentals. Commissioners said the current policy requires a deposit to rent the buildings in Harper Park and Foster Park and those deposits are normally returned to the renter. The court was advised that the county rarely has any issues and normally refunds the deposits. The change in policy will eliminate the building rental deposit but will add that renters will still be held liable for any damages to the buildings.
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