SAN ANGELO – Tom Green County Commissioners banned outdoor burning effective at 9 a.m. Tuesday morning but took no action on aerial fireworks for the Independence Day Holiday.
According to Tom Green County Judge Steve Floyd at the regular Tuesday morning meeting, the county remained below the criteria required by the KBDI drought standard of 575 so the court couldn't ban aerial fireworks. The purchase, sale, possession and use of fireworks remains legal for the Independence Day Holiday in Tom Green County.
With the ongoing drought and string of 100 degree days and no rain in the ten day forecast, the Court ordered a burn ban which prohibits all burning of trash and brush in unincorporated areas of the County for 90 days or until the Court lifts the ban when conditions improve.
The National Weather Service office in San Angelo issued a Rangeland Fire Danger Statement Tuesday morning warning that high winds, low humidity, high temperatures and extremely dry fuel would increase the danger of wildfires spreading rapidly.
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