Tom Green County Commissioners Court Terminates Fuel Deal with Sunoco for Breach of Contract


SAN ANGELO – Tom Green County Commissioners Tuesday terminated a contract for gasoline with Sunoco for breach of contract because of skyrocketing fuel prices due to Biden Administration policies and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  

The agenda item was worded, "Consider cancelling contract for RFB 20-010 "Bulk Fuels" with Sunoco LLC effective April 10, 2022, and issue RFB 22-018 "Bulk Fuels" with an opening date of March 30, 2022."

During the discussion, County Judge Steve Floyd said the current contract for fuel (gas & diesel) for all county vehicles including Sheriff's patrol units and Road and Bridge trucks and equipment was a base cost plus 5 cents per gallon.  Floyd said Sunoco representatives said they could no longer honor that price.  Instead, Sunoco indicated the best price it could offer would be a base cost plus 26 cents per gallon.  

After consulting with attorneys, the Commissioners Court voted to terminate the agreement for breach of contract and go out for bids again.  

Fuel prices have risen to over $4 per gallon in San Angelo and are expected to double rapidly unless the Biden Administration changes course.  


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Listed By: Doctor Ding-bat

LMAO..... Welcome to the Idiot clown in DC that's running America into the ground.... Good luck finding cheaper fuel, He's busy shoving this and everything else he can screw up, up everybody's rear end without lube......

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