SAN ANGELO, TX -- Tom Green County Commissioner Bill Ford voted against a three percent salary increase for county elected officials on Tuesday, setting the stage for a salary grievance hearing.
Back on July 17, Ford said he wanted a ten percent raise because Tom Green County Commissioners are paid $10,000 to $15,000 less than their counterparts in similar counties. According to the Texas Association of Counties, Tom Green County Commissioners are paid $49,476 annually plus a $11,259 car allowance for a total compensation of $60,735.
Commissioner Ford told us his intent is to increase the salary and compensation for all commissioners to attract future talent to run for the office. He notes that Tom Green County, at $60,735 annual commissioner's salary, ranks this county’s commissioners compensation on the bottom rung of the ladder when compared several counties with similar sized budgets.
Taylor County, where the county seat is Abilene, pays its commissioners $79,254 annually, provides a vehicle, and pays an annually stipend of $780. Taylor County’s annual budget is $65 million compared to Tom Green County’s annual budget of $45 million.
Ford represents Precinct 4 that generally consists of the southwest quadrant of the county and includes the town of Christoval to the south. He is running unopposed for his third four-year term in November. Ford will not be up for re-election again until 2022.
The Commissioner’s Court will select three members of the public to serve on the salary grievance committee. County Judge Steve Floyd said Tuesday they would create the salary grievance committee in anticipation of a grievance being filed. Ford is the only elected official who has publicly commented on the proposed salary for FY 2019.
The court voted four to one in favor of a three percent raise for elected officials for FY 2019. Ford was the lone no vote.
As we reported on July 17, according to the Texas Association of Counties, Chapter 152 of the Local Government Code creates a salary grievance process for elected county officials to challenge their salaries, expenses, and allowances as set out in the proposed budget.
Under the Code, notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county at least 10 days prior to any meeting at which proposed increases in salaries, expenses or allowances will be discussed.
Written notice must also be provided to each elected county and precinct officer detailing the salary and personal expenses to be included in the budget. An elected county or precinct officer who disagrees with the salary or personal expenses provided in the proposed budget may request a hearing before the salary grievance committee before the budget’s final approval.
The nine-member salary grievance committee generally consists of the county judge, sheriff, tax assessor-collector, treasurer, county clerk, district clerk, county attorney or criminal district attorney, and the number of members of the public necessary to provide nine voting members. The county judge is chair of the committee but is not entitled to vote. As an alternative, the commissioners court may vote to have the committee consist of nine public members, which is also chaired by the county judge.
The decision by the salary grievance committee is final and cannot be appealed.
Also Tuesday, the court voted to set the maximum tax rate for FY 2019 at 54.5 cents per $100 in property value, the same as the current tax rate. The difference is the Interest in sinking rate will be 7.159 cents and the maintenance and operating rate will be 47.341 cents for a total tax rate of 54.5 cents. That will create an projected operating deficit of approximately $500,000 for FY 2019.
The court also set two public hearings on the budget and tax rate. The first public hearing will be Tuesday, August 14 at 9:30 a.m. following the regular commissioners court meeting. The final public hearing is set for Thursday, August 23 at 6:30 p.m. so members of the public will have a opportunity after work to comment on the budget and tax rate.
The commissioners court will adopt a budget and set the tax rate following the final public hearing.
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If it was 4-1 in favor, didn't it pass? Or is he going to file a grievance?
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PermalinkGo back to selling cars if your pay is not enough. Most of the citizens of the county live in San Angelo and the city council is not paid. But if the past is any indication of what will happen, he will probably run unopposed. These commissioners cant get anything right and no one runs against them.
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PermalinkCommissioner Ford serves as an elected official, and it would be interesting to know what exactly he does to earn that nearly $61,000 annually other than go to meetings. The salary actually seems very generous in that it includes a vehicle allowance. Are there benefits as well? If Commissioner Ford wants to make big money, let him try his hand out in the oilfield. The other commissioners were content to vote for a 3% raise! If the money isn’t big enough for you sir, by all means, leave office, and try working for a living.
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PermalinkWould like to know a detail account of what a Tom Green County Commissioners does to earn his salary!!!!!! In a 40 hour week if they do work that, what are the responsibilities and if can prove one warrants a raise, than one will get one on the next election. But do not try and get a raise when the citizens of San Angelo are being taxed to death. My taxes went up on my house. The SA ISD is trying to get more money from citizens to fix schools that should have been taken care of with maintenance. Several roads need work and who is going to pay but us tax payers. My vehicle needs new tires and alignment due to the pot holes. At least Commissioners get a car with good tires.
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PermalinkCounty Commish's really do live the life of Riley. Typical day, meet work crews at precinct yard/barn and get crews out working on county road repair projects and mowing along roads. Report to office, maybe a meeting, a few signatures on documents detailing work, spending prepared by secretaries. Visit with just about anyone that they know in the halls of the courthouse, followed by lunch, usually with fellow Commish's. More BS sessions, drive county vehicle to check on crews actually working, perhaps deal with some breakdowns of equipment. By 3:00 or so, they mysteriously disappear, not to be seen until the following day.
Worth every penny I'd say.....
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PermalinkDon't forget the dinners and luncheons that they have to go to in order to keep their jobs. Politicking and fundraising is a full time job for most elected officials or they don't get to keep said job. I would highly doubt that they meet work crews a the yard, there is a foreman that does that and reports to them. The treasurer, clerks, and judges, JP's and DA's do actual work though.
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PermalinkHe is running unopposed, How about we stop complaining and put someone else on the ballot. $60,000 a year would be a nice pay increase for me. Unfortunately I cannot find a detailed map of the precincts so I have no clue if I live in precinct 3 or 4
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PermalinkThese guys are just collecting paychecks. 10,000 auto allowance? So, if you use the current mileage rate and divide that....each one would have to travel 18,348 miles per Fiscal Year. They don't. Do they keep mileage logs like they require employees to do for reimbursement? No. So this is just salary.
And this commissioner wants to compare salaries with other similar counties? It's fine for elected officials or certain appointed individuals to do that, but regular employees salaries are not allowed to compare. All elected officials in TGC are Republican, its time for change..... but it ain't happening. Good Luck.
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PermalinkPrecinct 1 Commissioner Ralph Hoelscher (R) North West
Precinct 2 Commissioner Aubrey de Cordova (R) North East
Precinct 3 Commissioner Rick Bacon South West
Precinct 4 Commissioner Bill Ford South Eastern quadrant Reelected in 2014.
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PermalinkIs it a full time job or part-time? Can one have another job? I would like $61,000 annually to bump up my check to a living condition.
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