Fire Destroys Grape Creek Family's Homestead


GRAPE CREEK, TX — A large black cloud of smoke could be seen for miles as a Grape Creek mobile home and RV trailer next door went up in flames Wednesday afternoon at 4:40 p.m.

Grape Creek, Carlsbad, and Quail Valley Volunteer Fire Departments responded to the structure fire after they were notified the mobile home and adjacent RV were situated in the 7600 block of Flamingo Rd.

A family of two adults and two children were living in the RV trailer while they were renovating the singlewide mobile home. The fire appeared to have started in the RV trailer, then spread to the singlewide mobile home, said Grape Creek VFD’s spokesman Jose Rivera.

Fighting the fire became more dangerous as two very loud explosions were heard. What was discovered later was that two small propane tanks exploded. It sounded like bombs went off. Then, as the volunteers fought the flames, a small grass fire began to spread, taking away resources from fighting the structure fire. Grape Creek VFD said the yard around the mobile home was well-maintained, and that slowed the spread of the flames across the ground.

Fighting the fire lasted until well after 7 p.m. then most of the firefighters had to clean heir equipment back at the fire station. Grape Creek firefighters were at the station until after 9 p.m. cleaning equipment.

Both the RV and the mobile homes were destroyed completely—total losses. The family that lived in the RV was not at home when the fire broke out. However, their three family pets died in the fire. The family lost everything.

The American Red Cross responded to the scene to assist the family with living arrangements. This is a family of four. If you would like to help them with a small donation, contact Rachel Quintero-Flores at 325-212-5286.

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