SAN ANGELO, TX -- Tom Green County is a major Republican party stronghold in Texas. GOP County chairman Jeff Betty says that’s the result of years of hard work and the success is every elected political office in the county is held by a Republican.
Monday at 6 p.m. was the deadline for candidates to file for a place on the ballot for the March Political Party primary in Texas.
Drew Darby will run unopposed. His announced primary challenger Lynette Lucas missed a deadline to file for the office. Monday evening Lewis gave LIVE! this statement. "Although my supporters and I will not be on the ballot this time and this temporary setback will give us more time to keep holding our elected officials accountable. It's unfortunate that one piece of paper and a $750 check kept accountability from happening this March. I won't stop fighting for our West Texas conservative principles and have a coalition of conservatives I've found that will do the same."
Incumbent Pct. 2 County Commissioner Aubrey DeCordova has drawn two opponents in the primary election. Sammy Farmer and Tana Sue Pyssen have filed to be a candidate in the primary.
Justice of the Peace Pct. 1 Susan Werner has filed for election and is uncontested in the GOP primary but she will face Sally Ayana in the November general election.
Ayana is the only Democrat on the primary ballot for a local office.
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