Fire Destroys Home North of San Angelo


Thursday night, an older, historical home was completely destroyed in a structure fire five miles north of FM 2105 off SH 208, between Bristow Rd. and Robert Lee.

Quail Valley VFD Fire Chief Shane Crimm said when his units arrived, the house was “totally involved,” meaning engulfed in flames.

Crimm said the structure was a total loss, and there were no injuries. A family pet, a dog, did not make it out alive, however.

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Crimm said the occupants of the house smelled smoke initially and, upon investigation, found active burning. The family evacuated immediately, Crimm said.

Crimm said he thought the main part of the structure dated back to the late 1800s.

Quail Valley VFD arrived within 7-8 minutes of the 9-1-1 call, Crimm said.

Assisting at the scene were two engines from the Grape Creek VFD and the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office.

The volunteers battled the blaze for about three hours.

The Red Cross arrived to make arrangements for temporary shelter for the family.

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