How to Get Free Help for Home Heating and Cooling


Want lower utility bills? A free program can do that for you.

That’s right, free.

A local non-profit is eager to help you today.

The Concho Valley Community Action Agency (CVCAA) helps by paying for energy saving items such as insulation and weather proofing. There is no cost to you. No strings attached.

Both renters and homeowners are eligible.

Qualification depends on monthly household income. Call (325) 653-2411 to find out more about this free home upgrade. Or click here.

“We have funds we must spend this year for our weatherization program that can lower your utility bills,” according to CVCAA Executive Director Mark Bethune. “Right now is a great opportunity for you to improve your life at no out-of-pocket cost to you and there is no waiting list. Contact us for details.”

“We serve people all over town, including homes in Santa Rita and Bentwood,” Bethune notes. “Usually in those cases we serve someone who owns their home but now lives on social security. The qualification is based on monthly income, not net worth. Both home owners and renters qualify.”

The CVCAA program is available in 14 counties: Tom Green, Coke, Coleman, Concho, Crockett, Irion, Kimble, McCullough, Menard, Reagan, Runnels, Schleicher, Sterling, and Sutton.

The CVCAA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation founded in 1966 to fight causes of poverty in the Concho Valley. Other programs offer utility assistance, rental assistance, and free income tax assistance.

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I had applied for weatherization help and they were out her twice but I was waiting for another agency to help me fix my bathroom with some major work. It never got done and neither did the weater help.

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