47 Jailed on Wednesday


Jail bookings were on the rise on Wednesday, when 47 people were booked into the county jail, some on multiple charges, some on warrants and committments. 

Theft was the top-ranking charge at 10, and many had multiple counts of theft or burglary against them. Possession ran a close second at eight charges, followed by five DWIs five assault charges. 

Marijuana possession saw two charges, as did aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and one person apiece was booked on public intoxication, reckless driving and evading arrest. 

One individual was jailed on a committment for aggravated sexual assault of a child, a charge that dates back to 2006 and was deferred to six years probation. The man has had two previous motions to revoke his probation.

Twenty-six inmates were released on Wednesday.

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It's surprising there were no arrests for 'walking with the flow of traffic' on a residential street. I have been informed that it is an offense in the City of San Angelo.
shaderunner, Thu, 09/11/2014 - 17:11
How long you intend to beat that pore critter, Sam?
I have probably finalized my rant on that ridiculous local law that prohibits people from walking down their own residential street with the flow of traffic merely to retrieve their mail.

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