Woman Sent to Hospital in Crash on FM 2105


A crash near 604 F.M. 2105 involving a white Jeep Sahara and grey Mazda 3 has resulted in the driver of the Mazda being sent to the hospital. 

The injured woman, 22, is reported to be 7.5 months pregnant. A passenger of the vehicle accompanied her to the hospital. 

Tom Green County Sheriff's Deputies, TXDPS Troopers and the Quail Valley Volunteer Fire Department are on Scene. 

TXDPS Public Information Shawn Baxter said the driver of the Jeep was picking someone up in the 600 block of F.M. 2105. After the passenger got in the vehicle, the Jeep, which was heading westbound, did a U-turn to head back east, resulting in the Mazda colliding with the Jeep. The Mazda was westbound on FM 2105. 

The driver of the Jeep will be cited for making an unsafe turn. The Jeep was full of teenagers.

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that pretty Jeep still has paper plates on it. mama and daddy's money out the window on that one
Ok can someone please explain what is the point of deliberately putting the license plate in the articl?. That has nothing to do with accident. and honeslty you can never judge someone by their vehicle you never know if the kid earned it the right way by working their tail off or paid for it themselves. i think the world needs to learn to stop juding so much.
I dont think they were trying to deliberatly place that license plate in the picture. They were showing the damage to the jeep if you will look closer it just happens to be by the license plate. Just saying....... As for judgmental comments as much as it would be nice to live in a perfect world its never gonna stop. Thats just what this society does. You either put your two cents in or read it and move on or dont read it. again just saying....

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