Man Charged With Two Counts of Criminal Negligent Homicide in Connection with Mertzon Highway Fatal Crash


A 20-year-old San Angelo man was arrested last night in connection with the six-vehicle fatal crash on U.S. 67 near the Tom Green-Irion County line.

Richard Michael Garcia III was booked into the Tom Green County jail in the early morning hours Sunday. He is charged with:

  • Two counts of Criminal Negligent Homicide
  • Accident involving injury
  • Racing on a highway, causing serious bodily injury
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol

Garcia was the only person seen arrested last night at the crash scene. While in the back of an Irion County Sheriff’s Deputy Suburban, our reporter heard the suspect complain, “I’m going to vomit.” He was quickly whisked away in the direction of Mertzon.

Witnesses say that the black Honda Civic that Garcia was allegedly driving was travelling at high speed eastbound on U.S. 67, presumably racing another vehicle.

The six-vehicle crash happened approximately 200 feet inside Irion County from the Tom Green County line.

Since Garcia is charged with two counts of Criminal Negligent Homicide, it confirms what our reporters on the scene saw: Two fatalities.

That other suspected road race vehicle was seen last night crushed and unrecognizable underneath a tractor-trailer sand hauling truck.

DPS released a report on the U.S. 67 two-fatality crash near Mertzon and we have more details here.

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jdgt, Sun, 06/08/2014 - 12:57
I've seen it all over... Fast and the Furious driver wannabes racing their homies up and down busy roadways... I've seen rednecks in their tall, Dodge pickups - peeling out at red lights on Bryant... I've seen these pricks race Knickerbocker out towards the lake. You know what I don't see? Cops... I don't see PREVENTION - only reaction... I see a lot of complaining about how they're not getting the pay raises... I see a lot of "support" for why they're not working harder (because they're not getting paid enough.) How many more lives will it take to get something done? Why do we not adopt a European approach - place those freakin' speed cameras ALL OVER the place?? I know people whine about the city doing it for money - but like I've said before - YOU'RE in control! You don't wanna pay the money, DON'T @(*#&@(#*&@ SPEED!!! When will we start holding people accountable? And look at this jack ass's face... I've NEVER wanted to bitchslap someone so hard in all my life.
Slate, Sun, 06/08/2014 - 13:17
It's a shame the drunk loser wasn't the one that paid the ultimate price.
You dont see the prevention that our deputies, troopers, and police do every day, simply because they prevented those accidents, injuries, and deaths before they happened.

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