Low Lake Levels Force Closure of Two Additional Boat Ramps, Only Three Remain Open


Two more public boat ramps at Lake Nasworthy have been closed because of the lake’s declining level. The three ramps that remain open are:

  • At the northern end of South Concho Park.
  • At the entrance of Middle Concho Park.
  • Northeast of the San Angelo Nature Center, 7409 Knickerbocker Road.

Caution is advised in using each of the three ramps that remain open. While the Middle Concho Park ramp has ample water, the ramp’s grade is steeper than most. The other ramps have shallow water.

Lake Operations crews closed the Beaty Road and Mary E. Lee boat ramps Monday after inspecting them for safety. The six other ramps that have been closed are at:

  • The southern end of South Concho Park.
  • Knickerbocker Park.
  • Spring Creek Marina and RV Park.
  • Ramp Road.
  • The eastern end of Middle Concho Park.
  • Fisherman’s Road.

Warning signs have been posted alerting boaters that the ramps are closed. Boaters are advised to use extreme caution on the lake, where sandbars, brush and other obstructions are barely submerged in some areas. Lake Nasworthy is at 48 percent of its capacity.

Operations Director Shane Kelton said crews will conduct repair and maintenance work on the closed ramps if water levels dip low enough.


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