Fire at Murder-Suicide Scene Investigated as Arson


Wednesday at 12:05 a.m. the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office responded to a call of a structure fire at 6177 Old Highway 380, the same location of the murder-suicide that took place on Sunday. 

As the responding deputy was approaching the scene, he observed a travel trailer and vehicle belonging to the deceased shooter, John E. McDonald, completely engulfed in flames. Both the vehicle and travel trailer were a total loss.

The Wall Volunteer Fire Department and the East Concho Volunteer Fire Department responded to the call and were able to extinguish the fires.

The fires are being investigated as arson; the State Fire Marshall has been called and is assisting with the investigation.

The Tom Green County Sheriff's Office is asking for the public's assistance in identifying the person(s) involved in this incident. If you or anyone you know have any information that would aid in solving this crime, please call the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office CID Detective Lt. Ron Sanders at 325-655-8111.

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I would guess that IF the fire was set, it wasn't for gain, and it wasn't to hide evidence connected to the shooting. IF the fire was set, (BIG IF), it was out of anger at McDonald. If it were my loved one he took out, I might think about torching his crap too.

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