Interim Library Director Named, Plans for Bookstore Approved


The seat of Library Director has temporarily been filled: Associate Library Director of Technology Jill Donegan was announced as Interim Library Director Tuesday in Commissioners Court, taking the place of retiring director Larry Justiss after 38 years of service.

Donegan, who has worked with Justiss for the past four years, originally came to San Angelo from Austin for her current job, but hopes the interim title will extend to a permanent position. “I have applied [for the position],” she said Thursday at Justiss’ retirement reception. “I’m very excited. I think that I have been exposed to just about every aspect of what happens in this building…I’m very excited about being more heavily involved with the operations, but I’m also a little intimidated, because he (Justiss) does so much and he’s done so much for so long. I’m very excited and I’m looking forward to some challenges, and we’ll just see what happens next,” she said.

If chosen to continue on in the position, Donegan says she intends to not only build upon the work Justiss has done for the past four decades, but will also continue to integrate the newest technologies into library services and adopt practices from other successful libraries. Paramount for Donegan is, however, demonstrating to the public that the library is an invaluable resource and maintaining communication flow through an open-door policy with her staff.

“I just feel like I’ve learned a tremendous amount from him (Justiss) in terms of what libraries need to be doing these days to maintain the support of the community,” Donegan said. “I think that he’s done a really good job as far as staying on top of technology, but also he has not forgotten that ultimately, patrons are at the heart of everything we do. It’s unusual for libraries in this day and age to kind of maintain that relevancy.”

Donegan described the leadership of the Tom Green County Library as progressive and intuitive, and went on to say, “This library represents everything I went to library school for, which is kind of a dying thing.” A graduate of UT, Donegan says nowadays, classes are heavy on electronic resources and computers. “I knew what they were doing, they had to do that to kind of keep libraries relevant. But it was kind of disheartening for me because I thought, ‘well I guess the community library that I went to school for is kind of a dying breed,’” she said.

Impressed by the support of the community, Donegan says she’s found that community library she was seeking initially and is ready to take over the helm. Donegan describes San Angelo as ‘very forward thinking’ and is looking forward to being a part of a thoughtfully growing community.

Currently, library staff are considering applications for the permanent director job. Several have been interviewed thus far, however a final decision has yet to be made. 

Also in Commissioners Court Tuesday, the court unanimously approved a request by library staff to dedicate and rename the bookstore for the former director, known as the Larry Justiss Bookstore. A plaque will be hung in the store, in honor of the dedication.

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It's big shoes to follow in but I believe Mrs. Donegan has the savvy enough to carry Tom Green Library into the digital age. I was struck by our she regards patrons are at the heart of everything. That goes with what I believe the local library is be the heart and soul of a city. But today the option of going to visit one to check out a book is diminished by the presence of the Internet but the need for free access still remains. That were libraries come in , Justiss understood how technology changes the times , hopefully she will understands the same and return the library to the grandeur it can be. We need to see longer hours, maybe opening on Sunday, if only for some token hours of 1-4. More after schools programs, some people still come pick up the kids at there from work; it's cheapest baby sitters around. I remember how librarians used to read books to me, a bit of nostalgia . I would like to more authors come through town to have readings, a best seller or too. We need to get behind a book fest of some sort, in the past; I remember a smaller one. We need to check out not just books but other things, like tools, laptops, tablets, bikes, etc. It's been done in others cities but the challenge there is to get them returned. Maybe with the threat of civil suit proposed by the commissioners is one way. I know a lot of this rests on finance but if Tom Green County in it's magnificent build this amazing new building in the heart of downtown, then surely they will keep making plans for its expansion. Not only here but with also with the other two in different ends of town. I just want to see us grow in every direction. Who needs a Head Hunter looking for new Executive Director? When we have one capable of performing superbly here now. The best hires are always from within because they are acquainted with the system.
I do not know Ms. Donegan, but I hope to remedy that soon. As a new resident to San Angelo, one thing that has amazed me is the breadth and epth of this library--especially under the direction of such an old geezer. (Before I am beaten metaphorically or actually, know that Larry is a friend of mine and I say this in jest.) I was a library administrator for 14 years and have been out of it for at least seven--seven years that I spent in library "exile" in commuinities where the library was less than adequate, to put it mildly, and WAY less than cutting edge! While I am impressed by the technology--self checkout, email reminders, access to databases--what continues to amaze me is how much the libraries are used. I have not visited the north branch, but any time I have visited the others, there were always lots of people using the facilities in a number of ways While I am congratulating Ms. Donegan, congratulations are also due for the residetns of Tom Green County. I can assure you that not every public library has the support of the community this one does, as reflected by the pavers and plaques that represent the donors. This is another reason I am glad we chose to move her. And a crass plug for the Friends of the Library. IT's a great organization that helps the library do things unavailable through normal channels. Joine today! And don't forget the book sale on April 4-7 at the Convention Center!

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