Fort Concho Features Edible Architecture


Gingerbread houses and castles lined the tables at the Old Fort Concho Post Hospital.

The various age categories of the delicious creations left no doubt in the public’s mind that San Angelo is home to talented gingerbread bakers.

The contest was judged by the rules of appearance, construction and taste; 40-30-30 points respectively for the categories.

“Every little detail counts,” said Lisa King, a participant and volunteer. She then explained that the scenery around the building could add or detract points.

The more creative the piece, the higher they scored, but at the same time, taste could not be sacrificed for look.

“Everything you see has to be edible,” said King.

One castle that was a replica of Hogwarts Castle from ‘Harry Potter’ was made by a local police officer.

Another was made by three-year-olds who insisted that everyone know it was a ‘Snickers Train.’

A sign saying “future winners” hung over the table that held the winners of the youngest participants.

For information on the contest visit

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