Two Multi-Million Dollar Buildings are Coming to San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX — Longhorn Steakhouse has officially been approved for San Angelo and so has a new senior living center.

After being in and out of the building and inspection report, Longhorn Steakhouse has now had its $2,400,000 permit approved in San Angelo.

A construction crew member confirmed with San Angelo LIVE! that Longhorn Steakhouse had broken ground a short time ago as they had begun dirt and foundational work. Now, its official and San Angelo will be home to a brand-new steakhouse.

Longhorn Steakhouse is building built close to Sunset Mall at 3980 Loop 306, right across from Chili’s Bar and Grill. Individuals can apply to be the restaurant manager HERE.

San Angelo LIVE! has reached out to Longhorn Steakhouse for more information.

Crews Begin Work on Longhorn Steakhouse

Crews Begin Work on Longhorn Steakhouse (San Angelo LIVE!)

Also, The Residence at Green Meadow has been approved in a $6,000,000 permit by San Angelo and construction has already begun at 3824 Green Meadow Drive.

The Residence at Green Meadow

The Residence at Green Meadow (

According to the project description, The Residence at Green Meadow will be a three-story wood-framed senior living apartment building. It will have one- and two-bedroom floorplans.

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