Gil’s Restaurant Announces Move to New Location


SAN ANGELO, TX — Gil’s Restaurant is moving to a new location in San Angelo, officially taking over the building currently occupied by La Historia Restaurant at 3020 N. Chadbourne Street.

The restaurant will operate at its current location on Knickerbocker Road until Sunday, Dec. 29, with doors closing permanently at 2 p.m. that day.

“We are grateful for all the memories, and all the blessings and lessons that came from our time here,” stated owner Jackie Gonzales. “However, we are very excited and ready to start this new chapter, onward and upward in Jesus’ name!”

Gil’s Restaurant will remain closed from Dec. 30 for one to two weeks to prepare the new site for operations. Gonzales assured customers that updates on the reopening will be shared as soon as possible.

The original location is at 837 Knickerbocker Rd. 

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