Man Creates ‘Poopcopter’ to Tackle Dog Waste Problem


LINO LAKES, MN — Caleb Olson, a software engineer from Lino Lakes, has invented a drone designed to scoop up dog waste.

Inspired by the recurring task of cleaning up after his corgi, Twinkie, Olson created the “Poopcopter,” a device that hovers above the grass, detects waste, and scoops it up autonomously.

The drone, which Olson describes as a one-of-a-kind solution, is designed to recognize and remove “brown parcels” from the yard. Olson envisions a consumer-friendly version, complete with a smartphone app that would allow users to outline their backyard for the device’s operation.

However, Olson notes the device is still in its prototype stage. Balancing work on the invention with his full-time job and family, he continues to refine its functionality. Developing the Poopcopter has been a year-long process, during which Olson explored various technical challenges to make it fully automated.

As Olson fine-tunes the prototype, he is also considering alternative names for a broader appeal, including “DooDoo Drone” and “Feces Flinger 5000.” For now, he is leaning towards the name “Poo Pilot” for a more professional image.

Olson hopes to eventually market the Poopcopter as a direct-to-consumer product, potentially with a subscription service and is open to partnerships with interested brands.

For more information on Olson’s invention, visit his website here. 

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